What I Got for My 40th Birthday
At the end of June I celebrated my 40th Birthday. I went out with my Jigsaw colleagues on Friday night for a meal at Coco Tang in Nottingham for some beautiful Vietnamese cuisine. It wasn’t a late one, we were home by 11pm, but it was lovely to be out, first time since my daughter was born! I had family over at the weekend, my mum treated us to lunch at The Wollaton and we spent the weekend enjoying being together.
I received some lovely gifts from my family, including a Gift Voucher for my husband and I for a posh meal out and some birthday money to put towards something special. Here’s a couple of pieces I received:
Lily & Ro Necklace
I wear the same jewellery everyday and never take it off! I love it when jewellery is layered and have wanted something to sit above my exciting necklace for ages. I loved the simplicity of this pearl necklace and is the perfect length.
Neuro Grip Hairdryer
This was a lovely surprise from my mother in law who owns a hair salon, My hairdryer is quite old, I wasn’t intending to upgrade it, but this is a great! It’s lightweight and has no handle! I use it to rough dry my hair and then use my Revlon One-Step to style it.
Wine and Champagne Glasses
I love the elegance of art deco and we love in a 1930s property with lots of the original features. I spotted these in Next and thought how beautiful they are! Now my mismatched orphaned glasses can be hidden at the back of the cupboard!
Sylvanian Familes
And because you’re never too old… fulfilling my childhood dream to own an entire Sylvanian village! I decided to start collecting the Town Series. I bought myself the Grand Department Store off eBay and my family have bought me some of the collection to add to it. The children love it too and both want pieces for their own birthdays!
Cheers to another decade!